How to Cast a Wicca Ritual Magic Circle

A ritual to perform before casting Wiccan spells or practicing witchcraft, as well as what you need for your Wiccan altar.


Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned practitioner, this is the first thing you should do before casting a spell or conducting a Wiccan ritual. It’s not necessary (that’s the beauty of the religion — you don’t have to do anything), but it can make your magic all the more powerful if you do.

Also, keep in mind that you can modify this based on what you have handy, or the time you have available, or what just feels right to you. I don’t have a lot of space at home, so I often just set up the four candles and skip right to the part where I chant as I light each, invoking the spirits of the Old Ones.

You can also add whatever you want to represent the season or festival. If it’s Samhain, for example, Halloween decorations and some black candles lend an appropriately macabre air to the ritual. And evergreens, mistletoe, holly and Christmas lights add a special touch at Yule. 

Before you start your ritual, you have to set the mood and find the right music. I always play the Twin Peaks soundtrack because I was obsessed with the show when it came out, and the ethereal music by Angelo Badalamenti and Julee Cruise puts me into a trancelike state.

Now you’re ready to work some magic!


Casting the Circle

Cleanse the area with a ritual broom.

Use four candles to mark the cardinal points: green for north, yellow for east, red for south and blue for west.

Begin with the north and work clockwise (unless you’re performing black magic, in which you should move counterclockwise or the enticingly named widdershins). Light each of the candles. 

Now take some salt (or some other sort of markers, such as flowers or pine branches), and form a circle, keeping the cardinal point markers inside it.

Light your incense. Lift your athame (ritual dagger) or wand and touch its point to a bowl of water, saying:

I consecrate and cleanse this water that it may be purified and fit to dwell within the sacred circle. 
In the name of the Mother Goddess and the Father God [or the names of specific deities], I consecrate this water.

Visualize your knife or wand blasting away all negativity from the water.

Then touch the point to a bowl of salt, saying: 

I bless this salt that it may be fit to dwell within the sacred circle.
In the name of the Mother Goddess and the Father God, I bless this salt.

Now stand facing north, at the edge of the circle. Hold the knife or wand out at waist level.

Walk slowly around the circle’s perimeter, clockwise (or widdershins if you’re being naughty), charging it with your words and energy. Stretch the energy out, visualizing it forming a complete sphere, half above the ground, half below. 


Here is the boundary of the circle.
Naught but love shall enter in.
Naught but love shall emerge from within.
Charge this by your powers, Old Ones!

When you arrive back at the north, place your athame or wand on the altar.

Take up the salt and sprinkle it around the circle, beginning and ending in the north, moving clockwise. 

Next, carry the incense around the circle, moving clockwise. 

Finally, sprinkle water around the circle, moving clockwise. 

Sense each of these substances purifying the circle.

The circle is now sealed.


Hold aloft your wand at the north edge of the circle, saying:

O Spirit of the North,
Ancient One of Earth,
I call you to attend this circle.
Charge this by your powers, Old Ones!

Visualize a green mist rising and writhing out of the candle’s flame, becoming something of nature. When the spirit is present, lower your wand and move to the east, then raise it again. Say:

O Spirit of the East,
Ancient One of Air,
I call you to attend this circle.
Charge this by your powers, Old Ones!

Visualize a yellow mist rising and writhing out of the candle’s flame, becoming a whirlwind. When the spirit is present, lower your wand and move to the south, then raise it again. Say:

O Spirit of the South,
Ancient One of Fire,
I call you to attend this circle.
Charge this by your powers, Old Ones!

Visualize a red mist rising and writhing out of the candle’s flame, becoming flames. When the spirit is present, lower your wand and move to the west, then raise it again. Say:

O Spirit of the West,
Ancient One of Water,
I call you to attend this circle.
Charge this by your powers, Old Ones!

Visualize a blue mist rising and writhing out of the candle’s flame, becoming a wave. 

The circle breathes and lives around you. The spirits of the elements are present. Feel their energies. Stand still for a moment, visualizing the circle glowing and growing in power. 

The circle is now complete. The Goddess and God, or whatever deities you’d like, may be called and magic wrought. –Wally